We got a call from Mrs. Nero from the Wayne County Sheriff's SCOUT program to inform us that the program has been discontinued county wide due to cut backs by County Executive Warren Evans.
What does this mean?
It means the Corporals will no longer be coming once a week to patrol our neighborhood or any other neighborhood. We have reached out to the Dearborn Police Department and Chief's office to see if they would reconsider patrolling with us. Hopefully they decide too.
In the end this news doesn't effect our watch program at all.
We are still on schedule to have as many as 1000 neighborhood watch booklets delivered to residents this year and we are still able to conduct our patrols.
The Sheriff's SCOUT Program was great and we appreciate all of the officer's hard work and dedication. But the show must go on.
If you are interested in helping with our watch program please contact Regan Ford at rford@vividclean.com