Friday, June 26, 2020

Statement on Summer-Stephens Pool 2020

Message from City of Dearborn Aquatics Supervisor Teddy Shaskos regarding Summer-Stephens and Lapeer pools for the summer of 2020;

Thank you for reaching out. Let me clarify what is going on. First and foremost, Ten Eyck Pool was chosen over Summer Stephens and Lapeer due to the fact that it does not have a sub pump that the other two pools require to bring all waste water to grade. Both Summer Stephens and to a lesser degree Lapeer have flooding issues in their basements due to the sub pumps not being able to keep up with the demand of the pool. The flooding over the years has caused these basements to require more maintenance and more time to set up for operations. Additionally the Initial water quality at Summer Stephens is very poor and that Pool requires approximately four to six days to filter out all of the rust that is in those lines. And although Ten Eyck Pool is not without its own set of issues, it currently has none of these issues.

- Teddy Shaskos, City of Dearborn Aquatics Supervisor

Additional statement from Greg Orner, City of Dearborn Director of Recreation & Parks Department:

There have been no recent discussions about closing Summer Stephens or any of the remaining outdoor pools. Due to our having a very limited staff this year, we were only able to secure enough personnel to open two (2) outdoor pools this summer. We just didn't have the time to recruit, hire and train lifeguards like in the past. For example, we were unable to hold our annual spring lifeguard certification classes, as in the past, due to the pandemic.
We'll be opening up one (1) pool east, Ford Woods and one (1) pool west Ten Eyck, this season.
We hope to be able to offer a more normal season next year if the nation can get its arms around the Corona Virus.

- Greg Orner, City of Dearborn Director of Recreation & Parks Department

No annual passes will be available in 2020.

The new Ford Woods Pool will operate noon to 8 p.m. each day. Daily rates for Ford Woods will be: Resident: $7, Guest of a Resident: $9, and Nonresident: $14. 

Ten Eyck Pool opened June 24. Daily rates for the Ten Eyck Pool are Resident: $5, Guest of a Resident: $7, and Nonresident: $12.

The three free splash pads at Crowley, Hemlock and Whitmore–Bolles parks opened June 20. They operate 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

For more information about recreational facilities, please call the Recreation Department service desk at 313-943-2350.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Chalk The Park - Oxford Park

"Chalk The Park" returns for a Forth week!
This time bring your sidewalk chalk to Oxford Park.
Let's get creative! Create chalk drawings, inspirational messages, and more all along the track this Saturday at Oxford Park.
Post pictures of your creations here or in our Facebook group for all to see.

While at the park please practice social distancing, remaining at least 6 feet apart from others.

Oxford Park
June 13th

Friday, June 5, 2020

June SODA Meeting - 2020

Thursday June 11th @ 7:00pm

Zoom - Virtual Meeting

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Discussion about future projects and events.

Help Wanted!
Board Positions Open:
- Secretary

If you are interested in running for a board position please send a message on the Contact Us page.

To run for a board position you must be a Regular SODA Member and current with your annual dues payment.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SODA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: SODA June Meeting
Time: Jun 11, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Password: 243441
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Chalk The Park - Schemansky Park

"Chalk The Park" returns for a Third week!
This time bring your sidewalk chalk to Schemansky Park.
Let's get creative! Create chalk drawings, inspirational messages, and more all along the track this Saturday at Schemansky Park.
Post pictures of your creations here or in our Facebook group for all to see.

While at the park please practice social distancing, remaining at least 6 feet apart from others.

Schemansky Park
June 6th