February 2022 SODA MEETING
Thursday Feb 10th @ 7:00pm
Whitmore-Bolles Elementary
Special Guest:
Dearborn Police Chief Issa Shahin
Annual Board Election
Members are encouraged to attend, we will have our annual elections and need your vote.
All positions are voted on.
Members current with their annual member dues can vote. If you need to pay your dues you can do so at the meeting or on our website.
We need your help! We currently have two board positions open.
- Vice President
- Secretary
We would be honored to have you join the team.
If you have any questions about responsibilities and time commitments please contact SODA President Timothy Harrison - timothyshawnharrison@gmail.com
All meeting attendees are required to wear a face covering regardless of vaccination status while in the building.
This is not a SODA rule; all building permit holders must abide by the district’s safety protocols in place at that time.
On Aug. 27, 2021 the Wayne County Health Department issued an order that all students, staff and visitors wear face masks inside school buildings. The county order applies to all schools with grades preschool to 12th grade. It will remain in effect until community transmission for Wayne County is categorized as “moderate” by the CDC for at least 14 consecutive days or until further notice by the Wayne County Health Department. See the Michigan Safe Start Map for the current positivity rate and case rates