Category: Children's TV
Question: What 2014 Disney leading female character became the first Disney television character to get engaged?
In the final round you select an amount of points to wager from your total points for the game. Get the question right and win your bet to add to your total. Get the question wrong and you lose points from your game total.
Team member Tammy Rayburn realized at that moment that watching kids shows with her girls had finally paid off. She knew the answer!
Answer: 'Jessie Prescott' from the Disney Channel show Jessie
With an "All or Nothing" bet S.O.D.A. POP got the question right and in turn won First Place!
For winning first place the team won a $30 gift card which will be used to buy appetizers for the Team next time they play.
If you would like to join in the fun come out to Bailey's on Michigan Ave. on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month.
Click here for more information: S.O.D.A. POP Trivia Team