Unfortunately we're going to have to cancel this year's SODA Easter Egg Hunt. I was hoping to come up with some kind of modified version, but with the Governor's stay at home order now lasting until at least April 13th, this is not possible. We are also canceling our April 2nd SODA meeting and will keep you posted as to the status of our May meeting and Spring meetup. With the hope that our current situation passes sooner than later, we're still planning some fun activities for this summer and our Track or Treat in the fall.
I encourage you to visit our Facebook Group and share positive messages about our neighborhood and neighbors. Give your neighbors a friendly wave while out for a walk, help those in need when safely possible, and appreciate time with family.
I looking forward to serving our neighborhood in any way possible and continuing to put on the best community events in the city when this is over.
Timothy Harrison
SODA President