COVID-19 Safety Information

COVID-19 Safety Information

As an outdoor event, there should be more than enough space to allow for social distancing. With the help of all participants (Vendors and Attendees), this event will go on while protecting the safety and health of everyone.

For the safety of all participants, it is your responsibility to follow state and local guidelines that are in place on August 14th -16th.

State and County Health Departments:
Michigan Health Department
Wayne County

Face Mask Requirements

Masks are required in Michigan when indoors or when social distancing is not possible outdoors.
Mask Requirement - Executive Order Effective July 13, 2020

Recommendations for Vendors

Practice social distancing by doing the following:
  • Place posters encouraging social distancing for customers to see upon arrival and while shopping.
  • Set up tables and chairs within 6 feet apart.
  • Use heavy-duty tape to form a flow for customers to follow throughout the sale.
  • Ask customers to stand in a line, while spread apart, during a high traffic times.

Clean all tables and chairs several times throughout the day.
  • Make sure all merchandise is washed and dried and/or wiped down with a disinfectant product before placing on a table or chair for sale.
  • Wipe down all tables and chairs using disinfectant at the end of the day or in the morning before the next day of the sale starts.
  • Wear masks and disposable gloves at all times during the sale.
  • Have hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol on tables and other places for customers to use

Download and Print Signs

Social Distance Poster Printable

CDC Poster Printable

Recommendations for Attendees:
  • Bring your own hand sanitizer and/or sanitizing wipes.
  • Wear your mask when around others at all sales.
  • Wash hands frequently.
  • Cover Coughs and Sneezes - Always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow and do not spit.
  • Avoid close contact by staying at least 6 feet from another person.
  • Be patient and polite and respect the requirements of each vendor.